I was sitting here thinking of all the crazy things that one should never do in the winter… 1) do not try to jump in the lake.. 2) when going out the door remember to unlock it… all silly, but # 2 happen to me.. I went out o get the paper and the door shut… i was very cold when someone got up to let me in… ( btw: the door bell didnt work and everyone sleeps with a fan on.. ) i would like to know others thought’s on this….
If you e mail me, please put the chatprogram name in the subject line.. i have a web page and i dont want to delete something that is important...
Better yet you might want to email to [email protected] that way I wont delete it.. thx
Hehe locked myself out last night. Went out to throw salt down for the ice and couldn’t get back in. Wish I had put a jacket on. LoL but the door bell worked so it wasn’t to long before someone let me back in.
While on the subject of what not to do let’s not forget one of the biggies:
Never put your tounge on a steel flag pole when below freezing. LoL
Nothing rhymes with Cindy Crawford after 9 coronas...
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