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  • #2344
    New York State

    I am new and been trying to put the sign in logo in documents on msn Groups. Keep getting error (dead end)

    Was hoping for Grand Opening Sunday night, Got to get

    signin logo to work. Is there something I am doing wrong?

    The master key html codes to open chat works ,no problem

    there, just need signin logo to work for the members.

    Thank you for your time.


    Scandinavia, WI

    I’m not sure if I follow.

    The logo (background of the login area) isn’t showing? That shouldn’t prevent anyone from signing in. Or is the login not showing? But the direct link is working?

    I have attached a text file to this post that may help. I’m not 100% sure though as I am not framiliar with msn anything.

    Nothing rhymes with Cindy Crawford after 9 coronas...
    New York State

    Thanks dave, The logo sign in shows but once u click to “Chat Now” an error appear:

    An error has accoured in the script of this page.

    Line: 68

    Char: 6

    error: The specified protocal is unknow

    Code: 0

    URL: mhtml.mid://oooo516

    The html code to click on works but not the sign in logo doesn’t.

    Got another question that I don’t see on the message board

    After signing up and getting nick, and room registed, can the room be saved, so that if another member should open first , would I still be able to get control of the room?

    let say a trouble maker came in first before me,


    Scandinavia, WI

    I really can’t say what the error would be caused by without being able to see the code/page that it’s on. Sorry.

    Also, what browser are you using? Since this is on the msn groups it’s most likely Internet Explorer, right?

    Once your room is registered nobody else will be able to gain control of it. The applet is only an ‘entrance’ route and not the actual room. The information about your room is stored in ChanServ’s database and is always present even when your not.

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