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  • #3553

    Ok lm so clueless, lve registered my name, but it still says lm not op, so l cant register the room or have op rights, l have the @ as l entered room first, but no op rights, what am l doing wrong???

    I have read a few postings, and seem some people mention /cs op, whats this?

    The site is http://excoboard.com/exco/index.php?boardid=6718


    also how do u get the advanced chat? with the menus?

    Never mind, l was entering room name as DogGroupsII instead of DogGroups_II, now l got the room registered, sorry for wasting your time

    Still wondering how to have the advanced chat window though


    You can get the advanced chatroom with this code:

    For login box:

    <!-- ChatRoom code created by ChattersOnline.com -->
    <script language="JavaScript" src="http://www.chattersonline.com/ads/jIRC/popupcreater2.js"></script>
    <script language="JavaScript">
    myLogin = '<form name="ChatNow"><table width="380" border="0" 
    cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="60" background="http://www.chattersonline.com/ads/graphics/javachat/javachatlogin21.gif">'
    + '<tr align="right"><td height="80"><input type="hidden" name="appbg" value="89,0,179">
    <input type="hidden" name="chatroomident" value="jchatter">'
    + '<input type="hidden" name="appfg" value="0,255,0"><input type="hidden" name="chan" value="--->HERE YOUR ROOMNAME<---">
    <input type="hidden" name="bodycss" value="body {  background-color: #cccccc;}">'
    + '<input type="hidden" name="webs" value="--->HERE YOUR SITE NAME<---">
    <input type="hidden" name="bgcolor" value="#5900B3">'
    + '<input type="hidden" name="pagecolor" value="#cccccc"><input type="hidden" name="titlecolor" value="#00ff00">'
    + '<input type="hidden" name="bordercolor" value="#000000"><input type="hidden" name="fonttype" value="Arial">'
    + '<input type="hidden" name="titlesize" value="30">
    <input type="hidden" name="homepageurl" value="--->HERE YOUR HOMEPAGE URL<---">'
    + '<input type="hidden" name="textcolor" value="0,0,0"><input type="hidden" name="textareabg" value="255,255,255">'
    + '<input type="hidden" name="servcmdcolor" value="255,102,0"><input type="hidden" name="serverrorcolor" value="255,0,0">'
    + '<input type="hidden" name="usercmdcolor" value="0,0,255"><input type="hidden" name="actioncolor" value="0,153,153">'
    + '<input type="TEXT" name="nick" size="'+inputSize2+'">&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><input type="text" name="nickpass" size="'+inputSize+'">'
    + '&nbsp;<input type="button" value="Chat Now!" onClick="goChat();">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr></table></form>'
    <!-- ChatRoom created on 02/28/02 07:50 AM. -->

    And with the link:

    <a href="#" onClick="window.open('http://www.chattersonline.com/ads/jIRC/chatnow2.cgi?directstart=false&chan=--->ROOMNAME<---&webs=--->HERE%20YOUR%20SITE%20NAME<---%21&pagecolor=%23cccccc&titlecolor=%2300ff00&bordercolor=%23000000&bodycss=body%20%7B%20%20background-color%3A%20%23cccccc%3B%7D&bgcolor=%235900B3&fonttype=Arial&margins=leftmargin%3D0%20topmargin%3D0%20marginwidth%3D0%20marginheight%3D0&homepageurl=--->HERE YOUR HOMEPAGE URL<---&titlesize=30&chatroomident=jchatter&textcolor=0%2C0%2C0&textareabg=255%2C255%2C255&servcmdcolor=255%2C102%2C0&serverrorcolor=255%2C0%2C0&usercmdcolor=0%2C0%2C255&actioncolor=0%2C153%2C153&appbg=89%2C0%2C179&appfg=0%2C255%2C0','ChatNow','height=428,width=679'); return false;">Click to Chat!</a>

    You can edit the colors and settings yourself


    I use the login box, so is that code u listed meant to replace the one l had?

    As l added my info, site url, room name, chat name, did it both ways, added it along with the other code, nothing happened, and replaced my existing code and then l had no log in box at all.


    You have to did something wrong


    Like this?

    <!-- ChatRoom code created by ChattersOnline.com -->
    <script language="JavaScript" src="http://www.chattersonline.com/ads/jIRC/popupcreater2.js"></script>
    <script language="JavaScript">
    myLogin = '<form name="ChatNow"><table width="380" border="0"
    cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="60" background="http://www.chattersonline.com/ads/graphics/javachat/javachatlogin21.gif">'
    + '<tr align="right"><td height="80"><input type="hidden" name="appbg" value="89,0,179">
    <input type="hidden" name="chatroomident" value="jchatter">'
    + '<input type="hidden" name="appfg" value="0,255,0"><input type="hidden" name="chan" value="---><font color="blue">DogGroups II<!--color--></font><---">
    <input type="hidden" name="bodycss" value="body {  background-color: #cccccc;}">'
    + '<input type="hidden" name="webs" value="---><font color="blue">DogGroups II<!--color--></font><---">
    <input type="hidden" name="bgcolor" value="#5900B3">'
    + '<input type="hidden" name="pagecolor" value="#cccccc"><input type="hidden" name="titlecolor" value="#00ff00">'
    + '<input type="hidden" name="bordercolor" value="#000000"><input type="hidden" name="fonttype" value="Arial">'
    + '<input type="hidden" name="titlesize" value="30">
    <input type="hidden" name="homepageurl" value="---><font color="blue">http://excoboard.com/exco/index.php?boardid=6718<!--color--></font><---">'
    + '<input type="hidden" name="textcolor" value="0,0,0"><input type="hidden" name="textareabg" value="255,255,255">'
    + '<input type="hidden" name="servcmdcolor" value="255,102,0"><input type="hidden" name="serverrorcolor" value="255,0,0">'
    + '<input type="hidden" name="usercmdcolor" value="0,0,255"><input type="hidden" name="actioncolor" value="0,153,153">'
    + '<input type="TEXT" name="nick" size="'+inputSize2+'">&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><input type="text" name="nickpass" size="'+inputSize+'">'
    + '&nbsp;<input type="button" value="Chat Now!" onClick="goChat();">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr></table></form>'
    <!-- ChatRoom created on 02/28/02 07:50 AM. -->

    Haha, just like i thought, you have to delete the —> / <— tags.


    Hmmm yeah ok, so l changed it, and it still does NOT work.
    I replacd my old script, although l asked if l should or not and no answer. I put it where my old script was. and again NOTHING, no sigh in at all, the whole chat was GONE.

    <!-- ChatRoom code created by ChattersOnline.com -->
    <script language="JavaScript" src="http://www.chattersonline.com/ads/jIRC/popupcreater2.js"></script>
    <script language="JavaScript">
        myLogin = '<form name="ChatNow"><table width="380" border="0" 
        cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="60" background="http://www.chattersonline.com/ads/graphics/javachat/javachatlogin21.gif">' 
            + '<tr align="right"><td height="80"><input type="hidden" name="appbg" value="89,0,179"> 
            <input type="hidden" name="chatroomident" value="jchatter">' 
            + '<input type="hidden" name="appfg" value="0,255,0"><input type="hidden" name="chan" value="DogGroups II"> 
            <input type="hidden" name="bodycss" value="body { background-color: #cccccc;}">' 
            + '<input type="hidden" name="webs" value="DogGroups II"> 
            <input type="hidden" name="bgcolor" value="#5900B3">' 
            + '<input type="hidden" name="pagecolor" value="#cccccc"><input type="hidden" name="titlecolor" value="#00ff00">'
            + '<input type="hidden" name="bordercolor" value="#000000"><input type="hidden" name="fonttype" value="Arial">'
            + '<input type="hidden" name="titlesize" value="30"> 
            <input type="hidden" name="homepageurl" value="http://excoboard.com/exco/index.php?boardid=6718">' 
            + '<input type="hidden" name="textcolor" value="0,0,0"><input type="hidden" name="textareabg" value="255,255,255">'
            + '<input type="hidden" name="servcmdcolor" value="255,102,0"><input type="hidden" name="serverrorcolor" value="255,0,0">'
            + '<input type="hidden" name="usercmdcolor" value="0,0,255"><input type="hidden" name="actioncolor" value="0,153,153">'
            + '<input type="TEXT" name="nick" size="'+inputSize2+'">&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><input type="text" name="nickpass" size="'+inputSize+'">'
            + '&nbsp;<input type="button" value="Chat Now!" onClick="goChat();">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr></table></form>'
    <!-- ChatRoom created on 02/28/02 07:50 AM. -->

    hmm, l messes with the code, found if you took out this line

    <script language="JavaScript">

    Then YES you can see the login box, with loads of ‘+’ all over it, being at start of each line there is ‘+ and at end there is ‘, they display.

    the code actually looks like

    <!-- ChatRoom code created by ChattersOnline.com -->
    <script language="JavaScript" src="http://www.chattersonline.com/ads/jIRC/popupcreater2.js"></script>
    <form name="ChatNow"><table width="380" border="0"
    cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="60" background="http://www.chattersonline.com/ads/graphics/javachat/javachatlogin21.gif">
    <tr align="right"><td height="80"><input type="hidden" name="appbg" value="89,0,179">
    <input type="hidden" name="chatroomident" value="jchatter">
    <input type="hidden" name="appfg" value="0,255,0"><input type="hidden" name="chan" value="DogGroups_II">
    <input type="hidden" name="bodycss" value="body { background-color: #cccccc;}">
    <input type="hidden" name="webs" value="DogGroups_II">
    <input type="hidden" name="bgcolor" value="#5900B3">
    <input type="hidden" name="pagecolor" value="#cccccc"><input type="hidden" name="titlecolor" value="#00ff00">
    <input type="hidden" name="bordercolor" value="#000000"><input type="hidden" name="fonttype" value="Arial">
    <input type="hidden" name="titlesize" value="30">
    <input type="hidden" name="homepageurl" value="http://excoboard.com/exco/index.php?boardid=6718">
    <input type="hidden" name="textcolor" value="0,0,0"><input type="hidden" name="textareabg" value="255,255,255">
    <input type="hidden" name="servcmdcolor" value="255,102,0"><input type="hidden" name="serverrorcolor" value="255,0,0">
    <input type="hidden" name="usercmdcolor" value="0,0,255"><input type="hidden" name="actioncolor" value="0,153,153">
    <input type="TEXT" name="nick" size="'+inputSize2+'">&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><input type="text" name="nickpass" size="'+inputSize+'">
    <input type="button" value="Chat Now!" onClick="goChat();">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr></table></form>
    <!-- ChatRoom created on 02/28/02 07:50 AM. -->

    I replaced my old script, although l asked if l should or not and no answer.

    I’m sorry I didn’t answered your question. I didn’t saw it.
    But YES, the old code you have to delete it and replace it for this one.

    I also found the fauld in your code addy…

    <!-- ChatRoom code created by ChattersOnline.com --> 
    <script language="JavaScript" src="http://www.chattersonline.com/ads/jIRC/popupcreater2.js"></script> 
    <script language="JavaScript"> 
    myLogin = '<form name="ChatNow"><table width="380" border="0" 
    cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="60" background="http://www.chattersonline.com/ads/graphics/javachat/javachatlogin21.gif">' 
    + '<tr align="right"><td height="80"><input type="hidden" name="appbg" value="89,0,179"> 
    <input type="hidden" name="chatroomident" value="jchatter">' 
    + '<input type="hidden" name="appfg" value="0,255,0"><input type="hidden" name="chan" value="<font color="blue">DogGroups II<!--color--></font>"> 
    <input type="hidden" name="bodycss" value="body { background-color: #cccccc;}">' 
    + '<input type="hidden" name="webs" value="DogGroups II"> 
    <input type="hidden" name="bgcolor" value="#5900B3">' 
    + '<input type="hidden" name="pagecolor" value="#cccccc"><input type="hidden" name="titlecolor" value="#00ff00">' 
    + '<input type="hidden" name="bordercolor" value="#000000"><input type="hidden" name="fonttype" value="Arial">' 
    + '<input type="hidden" name="titlesize" value="30"> 
    <input type="hidden" name="homepageurl" value="<font color="blue">http://excoboard.com/exco/index.php?boardid=6718<!--color--></font>"' 
    + '<input type="hidden" name="textcolor" value="0,0,0"><input type="hidden" name="textareabg" value="255,255,255">' 
    + '<input type="hidden" name="servcmdcolor" value="255,102,0"><input type="hidden" name="serverrorcolor" value="255,0,0">' 
    + '<input type="hidden" name="usercmdcolor" value="0,0,255"><input type="hidden" name="actioncolor" value="0,153,153">' 
    + '<input type="TEXT" name="nick" size="'+inputSize2+'">&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><input type="text" name="nickpass" size="'+inputSize+'">' 
    + '&nbsp;<input type="button" value="Chat Now!" onClick="goChat();">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr></table></form>' 
    <!-- ChatRoom created on 02/28/02 07:50 AM. -->

    The first marked blue, is because you MAY NOT have spaces. You should make it DogsGroupII
    The second is because there was an > tag behind the URL. I removed it and marked it blue.
    That’s why your box won’t load.
    Also the Language=”Javascript” tag HAS TO BE THERE!

    Greets, bless


    if u see my posting above this, l posted the code, and it does not appear DogGroups II now, but DogGroups_II, no spacing.

    And as l wrote, with the code l pasted it ALL works, with the “> at the end of the url and without that one line at the top, again, l did post the “”working”” code above, no errors or worries, all works with the code l posted just above.

    Thank you anyways though.



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