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  • #444
    Scandinavia, WI


    ACCESS channel ADD nick level

    ACCESS channel DEL (nick | entry-num | list)

    ACCESS channel LIST (mask | list)

    ACCESS channel CLEAR

    Maintains the access list for a channel. The access

    list specifies which users are allowed chanop status or

    access to ChanServ commands on the channel. Different

    user levels allow for access to different subsets of

    privileges; /msg ChanServ HELP ACCESS LEVELS for more specific information. Any nick not on the access list has

    a user level of 0.

    The ACCESS ADD command adds the given nickname to the access list with the given user level; if the nick is

    already present on the list, its access level is changed to

    the level specified in the command. The level specified

    must be less than that of the user giving the command, and

    if the nick is already on the access list, the current

    access level of that nick must be less than the access level

    of the user giving the command.

    The ACCESS DEL command removes the given nick from the access list. If a list of entry numbers is given, those

    entries are deleted. (See the example for LIST below.)

    The ACCESS LIST command displays the access list. If

    a wildcard mask is given, only those entries matching the

    mask are displayed. If a list of entry numbers is given,

    only those entries are shown; for example:

    ACCESS #channel LIST 2-5,7-9

    Lists access entries numbered 2 through 5 and

    7 through 9.

    The ACCESS CLEAR command clears all entries of the

    access list.

    Nothing rhymes with Cindy Crawford after 9 coronas...
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