Home Forums Archives Get Help AOL user porblems and Half Op Q

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    Some AOL users cannot get into the chat room. They get a msg that it is done loading and then it locks up. But I am going to try and get them to use IE instead.

    Also is there a way to make someone a HALF OP automaticly when they come in. Inother words I only want them to be able to give voice and kick. I dont want them to be able to use the bot or any channel functions. Just Voice and Kick.

    Thanks for all your help

    Check Team Red Cell out at: http://members.truepath.com/teamredcell
    Scandinavia, WI

    Yes IE is the browser best used.

    I do believe you can set automatic half ops but I’ll have to look at the commands later tonight and I’ll post back what I find.

    Nothing rhymes with Cindy Crawford after 9 coronas...

    Thanks. Did you find out anything?


    Check Team Red Cell out at: http://members.truepath.com/teamredcell
    Scandinavia, WI

    Unfortunately not

    (as far as AOL goes)

    Do you know what browser version and windows version they are using? This may help.

    Nothing rhymes with Cindy Crawford after 9 coronas...

    Its 7.0 but thats not a problem anymore. Thanks IE worked. Did you come up with a way to auto half-op though? Thanks for your time in advance.


    Check Team Red Cell out at: http://members.truepath.com/teamredcell
    Scandinavia, WI

    As far as I can tell it is possible. Have a look at the chanserv commands related to this, use:

    /chanserv help levels


    /chanserv help levels desc


    /chanserv help set

    You don’t have to type the /chanserv part if you use the private message window that opens when chanserv responds. 🙂

    Anyone else used these commands before? Please jump in and let us know. 🙂

    Nothing rhymes with Cindy Crawford after 9 coronas...

    When I try to use levels it tells me to instead use aop and vop. And I never really understood levels either. What I am trying to do is:

    I will have ultimate power and founder access.

    The 7 team members of TRC will have the ability to Kick people and voice people. So the half-op worked well for that. If there is a different easyer way then please tell me.

    Check Team Red Cell out at: http://members.truepath.com/teamredcell

    Why don’t you make it so it just Ops them and not HalfOp them?

    ~~~Misty~~~{@ Im the little one...and mysterious one

    I worked for about 4 hours learning the software and setting up the bot and the room. I dont want anyone to mess with the bot or the room. There is a saying that the more power you have the more you want to flex it. All they need to be able to do is voice and kick Nothing else.


    Check Team Red Cell out at: http://members.truepath.com/teamredcell

    You can create a new level, so that they can just kicks/devoice/ban what ever you want. Come find me some day in Chattersonline and I will help you set that up.

    ~~~Misty~~~{@ Im the little one...and mysterious one
    Waterford MI


    Did you try this command to half op the people ?

    /chanserv hop #roomname username ?

    IF that don’t work let me know. That the command I use and it works fine for me.


    Matt F.

    Thanks,Matt F.
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