Home Forums Archives Get Help New version of chat code????

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    Dave, some time ago you had info on here about a new version of chat room code. Did that happen? Did I miss it? Please let me know.




    Hi Norm,

    Yes Dave has updated some things. Like some things you don’t see and the able to change the font size of the chats. So people who can’t see very good anymore can set their size to bigger.

    And he was about it to make a “entry sound”..

    I don’t think you really missed something

    Scandinavia, WI

    Hi Norm,

    Yes and no, and kinda. I have the scripts finished for the most part but need to go back and add in the option to choose a second chat applet which I personally feel is much better than the current one. I do have the paypal interface up and running and that is working well. The ability for members to purchase bannerless chat is ready and will work as soon as I can get the new code creation scripts finished.

    I was hoping to get a lot of coding in while on vacation here but have it a bump or two. (explained in the ‘ramblings’ forum)

    Nothing rhymes with Cindy Crawford after 9 coronas...

    If everyone just donates some money now, then the van can get fixed, Dave can get home and it will all be ready by the new year!!!

    ~~~Misty~~~{@ Im the little one...and mysterious one
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