Need your help yet again… We are having problems on the chat with someone coming in and using 0000000 over and over. Then they will use peoples names from there board and if we kickban the name the real person is banned. They have also been using my name. They are with aol so if I ban that we have a # of people with aol that can’t get in… Any suggestion? I have had to mod and voice everyone but it’s getting insane…
Well I become quite the chat pro over the past few weeks with this whole spammer thing… They even resorted to using my name and then I couldn’t get on to ban them. But ah ha I have learned how to “quick kill”. In time I will figure out how to get rid of them for good… Learning new tricks in the meantime…
I’m sorry I haven’t had time to get with you on this but it sounds like your getting the hang of handling a chat room. A successful room takes real work because these things do happen. Just hang in there.
Nothing rhymes with Cindy Crawford after 9 coronas...
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