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  • #2185
    Scandinavia, WI

    Today I was spamed with an automatic private message from a user sitting in one of my rooms. This use is either infected themselves and do not know it or they are intentionally trying to spread something using Active X controls. I’m just happy I don’t use Internet Explorer. Why? Because it sucks. For a real browser please give Firebird a try.

    Anyhow… here’s some information related to the lamer:

    [16:34.33] Private: <Suhaib> I am Pakistani girl Please please see my web site http://www.channelkarachi.com/user/sana.htm

    [16:34.47] Whois info for: Suhaib

    [16:34.47] Address: [email protected]

    [16:34.47] IRC Name: zohair

    [16:34.47] Suhaib is using modes +irx

    [16:34.47] Connecting From: *@202.5.131.IP

    [16:34.47] Suhaib: has identified for this nickname

    [16:34.47] Channels: #ChattersOnline, #fuzychat

    [16:34.47] Server: Milwaukee.US.ChattersOnline.com Serving up strange brew!

    [16:34.47] Idle: 14 seconds

    [16:34.47] Connected since: 8/10/2003 3:51:44 PM (local time)

    [16:34.47] End of whois report

    If you recieve such a message by anyone please use caution, especially if your using windows and internet explorer.

    Also, I woudn’t recommend putting the link above into your browser and following it. I just left it in tact so that others that may encounter this are able to identify it for what it is.

    Nothing rhymes with Cindy Crawford after 9 coronas...
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