Home Forums Archives Get Help “How To Get Full Control Of My Room?” is confusing. Plz help me Dave!

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    Dear Dave, Admin, or anyoone else,

    I dont understand the steps in the “How Do I Get Full Control of My Room?” is confusing. Please describe the steps in detail for me. (Also include: What the ‘auto-voice’ thing is too please) Thank you sooo much!



    First you need to make your room

    Then you need to register your name and identify yourself

    /nick REGISTER password email

    /IDENTIFY password

    Now you need to register your room

    /chanserv REGISTER #channel password description

    Now you will have full control of your room and who can be oped and so on.

    Auto voice is when a room is mute and then only certain people can talk. Most people do not use this feature unless you use the rooms for meetings, a guest speaker or when you want only someone to talk one at a time. You can also use it to “gag” quiet Someone if you do not want to kick them. Even with voice on or off, you can still send private messages to each other.

    If you need anymroe help, post again.


    ~~~Misty~~~{@ Im the little one...and mysterious one

    I already made the room… I did the ‘register’ part… do I need to do this EVERYTIME I enter the chatroom? Also,can people chat WITHOUT registering with ‘chattersonline’?



    You do not need to register the room or your name everytime you enter it. Yes, Your chatters do not need to register a nick unless you are going to give them @ privaleges. then they will need to register.

    Remember, if you do not enter your password when you log in, you will need to /Identify password when you are in your room to have your own privalges.

    ~~~Misty~~~{@ Im the little one...and mysterious one
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