Home Forums Archives Get Help HELLO Well like every other noob I need help too.

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    Ok well hi whoever responds and thanks for responding.Anyway I,like most people am having a problem with my chat room.*problem 1*-The box that states username and password and the little click here button do not work.The only way I can get into the chat room is to go through the link at the bottom of the page below the box. Ok But really thats not a problem what Im really worried about. Its the fact that im really having a hard time becoming the demegod of my chat room if you know what i mean.I do not have what they call (CORRECT IRC OPERATOR PRIVILEGES)

    A quick refresh of what I have done was I registerd my name as TS1 and putin my password. and that was as far as i got…When I tried to register my channel it stated * ChanServ– Syntax: REGISTER channel password discription

    ChanServ– /msg ChanServ HELP REGISTER for more information*

    and after that I was just about stuck. If you can help me It would be greatly appreciated.

    Also if you can just give me the steps and then If you want I could type a step by step guide so you guys can post it so there wont be that many people with the same problems and not knowing how to solve them. oah and I almost forgot

    My user name is darkmatter and my name in the chat room is TS1(short for THE SUMMONED 1)

    My site is ..well this is the page I have the chat room on.


    ok thanks for listening I hope you can help.



    The box that states username and password and the little click here button do not work.

    That’s the problem with Freewebs, everybody who use freewebs can not use the ChattersOnline loginbox for some reason.. Search another host for that


    A quick refresh of what I have done was I registerd my name as TS1 and putin my password. and that was as far as i got…When I tried to register my channel it stated * ChanServ– Syntax: REGISTER channel password discription

    ChanServ– /msg ChanServ HELP REGISTER for more information*

    and after that I was just about stuck.

    That’s why I always say “Read the other posts on the forum, read the helpguide, that costs us a lot less work!” If you did that, you would have seen the problem. And if you didn’t dit that, and just read the chatbox warning you did get, you would see the command to register your channel:

    /REGISTER #channel password discription

    Good luck

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