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  • #3527

    I am interested in obtaining a printable command list of all user commands, operater commands for created chat rooms. I know that I can use the help command to view this info, but I cannot copy it or print it.

    Also, I was wondering what options, if any, are available for modifying the appearance of the chat room. Finally, Can I put my own greeting or MOTD for chatters who enter my chat room?

    Anyone who has this info, please post a reply (so others can learn it too). Thanks… and Dave, you seem like a busy guy… so let someone else answer this rather simple question. Unless of course you want to answer it.

    I am guided by a force more powerful than luck.
    Somewhere over the Rainbow...(Ok I live in the USA! Hooray!)

    I suggest that you copy and paste each command you want…that’s honestly all I can think of to do. The other questions are good ideas, but I don’t know. You’ll have to ask someone else about those! Hope I helped a little

    There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't -Thinkgeek

    Helped a little… I went through the grueling process of viewing each post by Dave about the commands and then printed them… lots more work and time than I would have liked. And 22 pages worth.

    Funny signature btw

    I am guided by a force more powerful than luck.


    I am interested in obtaining a printable command list of all user commands, operater commands for created chat rooms. I know that I can use the help command to view this info, but I cannot copy it or print it.

    Also, I was wondering what options, if any, are available for modifying the appearance of the chat room. Finally, Can I put my own greeting or MOTD for chatters who enter my chat room?

    Anyone who has this info, please post a reply (so others can learn it too). Thanks… and Dave, you seem like a busy guy… so let someone else answer this rather simple question. Unless of course you want to answer it.

    Hi there,

    Normally I am answering the helpdesk questions cause all the other guyes are very busy I think :S

    But I am on vacation now, so I didn’t answer the helpdesk questions for 2 weeks…

    Now I will try to help you…

    I see you already printed out all the commands so I don’t have to help you anymore with that..

    You can only change the colors and font of your chatroom, but not the style that’s a standard template from chattersonline.

    And you can’t change the MOTD command, but you CAN add a welcome message to your chatroom.


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