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  • #2401

    Hi, I’ve got a problem.

    Some of my visitors have the problem they don’t see the connect box on the website.

    you know, where you can fill in your chatname and chatnow! to chat.. but they don’t see anything, only the normal page text and not the login thing..

    what can be the problem in here?

    Scandinavia, WI

    Hmmmm… not sure off hand without seeing it myself. What browser are they using? Do the have java enabled? The box is generated with javascript so if they don’t have it enabled they wont see it. Perhaps their is issues with their java virtual machine. They can download the most recent plugin from http://www.java.com and then give it a try. I have entered the chat rooms with all of the major browsers (with the exception of Saffari since I don’t own a Mac).

    What’s your chat page URL? I’ll have a look and see if there is anything out of the ordinary with it.

    Nothing rhymes with Cindy Crawford after 9 coronas...

    Thanks Dave,

    I think it’s their problem cause never had something like this before.

    I think now that their java isn’t correct, something of the possible reasons there could be.

    But here is the webchat for my site:



    Scandinavia, WI

    It’s quite possible that their java virtual machine is corrupted. This year has been a bad one for security on a windows box and many exploits stem from IE and it’s integration with the operating system. If I was them I would try a new java plugin from http://www.java.com and see if that helps. If not I would download a better browser. Mozilla or Opera are both great. Prefer Mozilla’s Firebird myself. Then have them try entering the chat room. Also, you’ll want to remind them that they need to accept/grant the applet permission to run when the security window pops up showing the certificate for the applet.

    Hope this helped some.

    Nothing rhymes with Cindy Crawford after 9 coronas...

    Very thanks Dave, everything is fine now I will tell them.


    Scandinavia, WI

    Your Welcome

    always a pleasure to help.

    Nothing rhymes with Cindy Crawford after 9 coronas...
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