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  • #3752
    New York State

    I close chat for awhile because of summer, now trying to recreate it , all seem fine but can’t connect. Everything loads up fine. Where chat name suppose to be isn’t there. I have recreate it over and over , same story, only can think of channel name isn’t showing in chat and won’t connect to servers. (still waiting for update for paid chat.)


    Hey there..

    This is no problem of us, of the channel you created. But you don’t have JAVA installed on your computer, or you didn’t accept the security popup you got when you logged on.

    Delete your cookies and temp en download JAVA @ http://www.java.com

    Get it now! Or else Manual download.

    Then Re-login and accept the warning. You should be able to chat. Or you have some different webbrowser or Operation System?

    Also: You don’t create your BOX, You only change the coulors of it!

    New York State

    I have java installed and have accept the security popup when I logged on, even delete cookies. Everything loads up just fine, even the emotions . Only thing I see is where the channel name suppose to be isnt’ there, it’s just “Channel: 0 chatters, Topic:” It should be “Channel#name 0 chatters, Topic:” below it it says:

    Welcome to Chattersonline BrainMan!!

    connecting to 7070

    unable to connect to server

    connecting to 7070

    unable to connect to server. then it will repeat

    The chat room loads fine, just won’t connect

    Running XP with microsoft internet explorer. I can chat in other java chats on other site but not chattersonline chat rooms. I did take a snap shot of the chat room if there a way to post it here.

    New York State

    Oooops forgot to say, after I make the room on “create chat room” page , I preview it there before saving the codes , it does work on the preview page.


    The last problem is something I can’t help you with. I don’t know why you can’t connect. Or it might be some server problem (As far as I can see, there is no one now) or you have some strict firewall/router…

    I can advise you: try once on mIRC

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