Home Forums Archives Get Help Can’t start chatting!

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  • #1266

    I made a chat room from your site, and I copied the code onto my web publishing server. When I tested it out, I put in my name into the nickname box. Didn’t work. Then I tried putting my “password” in. Didn’t work. Every time I tried, there was a little message at the bottom of the page that said, Error On Page. What’s going on?!

    Scandinavia, WI

    An URL to your chat’s web page would help.

    You probably have a space in the room’s name or have placed a quote in which breaks the javascript. I believe this is noted as things not to do in the “Tips” section of the code generation page. People that create rooms with names such as “Dave’s Room” have problems because of the single quote in the name. You can escape quotes with a back slash. The name “Dave\’s Room” will work correctly.

    Check the names used in your room code. Make sure there are no spaces in the room name. Make sure there are no quotes in the room name and title of the room.

    Hope that helps.

    Nothing rhymes with Cindy Crawford after 9 coronas...

    Hi i have the same problem, and i have no spacing in the room name and no quotes but it still does not work ????


    Scandinavia, WI

    It’s hard to say what your problem is without an URL to see the code you created.

    Nothing rhymes with Cindy Crawford after 9 coronas...
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